Adelaide Cost of Living for Students

Adelaide is consistently ranked as one of Australia's most affordable cities, with transport and accommodation options up to 14% cheaper than other major cities*.

Adelaide city with Festival Theatre and Torrens River

Average weekly budget

Your average cost of living can vary based on location, lifestyle and a range of other factors. 

  • Rent - $135-385
  • Food - $90-135
  • Electricity, gas^ -$40-55
  • Transport -$20-35
  • Telephone, postage - $20-40
  • Other - $50+
  • Total - $350-700

(Source - Study Adelaide 

This should be viewed as a guide only for a single student. Costs can vary enormously from one student to another. These are basic living costs and do not include program tuition fees, costs for textbooks, other study-related needs, running a car, medical expenses, or any luxuries.

It is important to note that alongside your living costs will be other pre-arrival costs such as overseas student health cover

The University of Adelaide Village accommodation


We offer an impressive portfolio of University-managed student accommodation options, located close to campus in the heart of the city. 

Students in workplace - cafeteria

Work while you study

Working a part-time job whilst studying is a great way for students to meet new people, build skills, and earn while they learn. 

*The Economist Intelligence Unit’s  annual World Wide Cost of Living Survey

`Accommodation costs can vary significantly based on location, type and arrangement. For example, centrally-located accommodation generally costs more than in outer suburbs. Similarly, students can lower their accommodation costs by sharing with other students - the lower end of the price range shown is mostly shared accommodation.

^ Gas and electricity are often included in University-managed accommodation.